What an eventful journey in all ways! First there were 48, then 24, now 18 passengers and tomorrow - who knows how many is left when we finally reach Auckland. If we reach. Not too crowded in the bus though, I say. Suits us Finns.
Sofar I have seen more or less the most beautiful cities, towns, vineyards, mountains, rivers, creeks, rapids, gorges, glaciers, fjords, seals, dolphins, greens, deers, cows, lambs, kiwis and not the least: a shearer and his dog, that I could never have dreamt of.
I've been in contact to the people in the Foreign Ministry, Finnish Consulate, Travel Agents and airways. Some contacts have been helpful, some really bad. It feels as if this journey so far has taken much longer than a week.
Special thanks to Pekka and Alli, who gave me valuable tips which evidently took me closer to the seal: back home as soon as possible. Something that I am not overly happy about, but I do understand. As the government and the President itself feels I am better off in Finland, then so be it. But have they been to New Zealand?
This is perhaps the most secure country at the moment. Oh yes, they do have earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, but when all the rest is absolutely breathtaking, then who cares? Do you know the feeling when you see something absolutely stunning, you take a picture and find the next place as gorgeous, take another picture. And notice you have done this like two hundred times? Because this is exactly what have happened.
I don't know how they do it. The people are friendly. The environment is clean. I have never seen so clear water in the rivers as here. There are dustbins everywhere and people know actually how to use them by putting the garbage IN the bin.
The country is closed, but the shops have still toilet paper. A few moments at the wineries' tasting, enjoying the warm sun and the helpful staff makes you wonder if the heaven really has moved to the small town of Arrowtown.
We are a bunch of different nationalities in a coach which is driving through the southern island to the north. We started in Christchurch with great expectations and are now in Te Anau, (still in good spirit, but waiting information from their tourist agents), after passing through Franz Joseph glacier, Southern Alps, Queenstown and Milford Sound, which is not a Eurovision song that is not competing this year, but a place where there is no internet, nor electricity - a very self-isolated environment - but for the tourist buses.
Loads of people going to a boat ride in the fjords just makes it more absurd. Some restaurants and hotels are running low. Unfortunately the lack tourists hits hard the people involved, as it does everywhere. We will try to continue to Dunedin, Omarama, Christchurch and then if we are lucky to Wellington, Rotorua and Auckland. We will proceed one day at a time.
Why am I not at home already is a good question. For you who disapproves my trip, stop reading here, but let me say that the selfishness of every person can be measured of how much there is on stake. For me a dream come true and 6 months planning. There are loads of reasonable stories even in our group, with special reasons for everybody to make a trip like this. Some started their journey weeks ago, some later. But we all do want to go home now. Even if it means that we will have to do all the shopping of groceries here, as they are probably sold out in Europe. I am sad that I can't meet Wesley, Sue and Rhondda. Brisbane and Adelaide are still pins on my map. Someday.
Meanwhile I will continue to observe the 'Kiwis' and their behaviour. They don't seem as nocturnal as their mates. They are friendly people who knows how to make the loads of tourists happy.
And I will get my punishment: self-isolation. But I can still use the Facebook And load the hundreds of photos and force you to see them,can I?
Uusimmat kommentit
07.01 | 19:33
Hei Soile, vanhoja luokkakavereita. Muistatko Eija Lumijärven. Olen seurannut sun uraa. Olen eläkkeellä. Miten sinä. Olisi Ihan tavata jossain, asun Jyväskylässä. Terkuin Eija
10.08 | 12:33
Olet suuren kuohuvan arvoinen. Kuten greggariaanit ovat jo asian ajatelleetkin. Tervetuloa. Potut ja tomaatitkin odottavat!
09.08 | 17:35
31.07 | 08:47
Makkarat ja pekonit jättäisin syömättä, mutta muuten ihan syötävältä näyttää; mutta ei kyllä japanilaiselta.
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